South Korea, Canada To Strengthen North-South And East-West Ties

Welcome to Canada, the North-South and East-West Ties.

North-South Korean Relations

The two Koreas are working to strengthen their bilateral ties and improve relations between the North and the South. The North-South summit in April 2018 played a significant role in this effort. CANADA VISA FOR SOUTH KOREA CITIZENS

East-West Korean Relations

South Korea and Canada have announced plans to strengthen bilateral ties, with an emphasis on East-West relations. CANADA VISA FOR LATVIA CITIZENS

The two countries will co-operate in areas such as peace and security, trade, culture, science and technology, and people-to-people exchanges.

Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) Director Cho Myoungjin said the move is aimed at deepening South Korea’s role as a leading regional player and Canada’s desire for closer ties with East Asia.

Canada’s Support For North Koreans and Latvia’s Support For Canada

South Korea and Canada have long had strong ties, with both countries sharing a mutual interest in developing friendly ties with other countries. In recent years, the two countries have worked together to bolster bilateral relations with North Korea and Latvia has also taken a keen interest in Canada’s immigration policies.

Canada has been a vocal supporter of the Six Party Talks on denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and is committed to helping reduce tensions on the peninsula. In 2017, Canada hosted talks between North and South Korea as part of an effort to achieve peace on the peninsula. Canada is also a member of the United Nations Command and has troops stationed in South Korea.

Latvia is also a close partner of Canada with similar concerns about security on the European continent. In 2017, Latvia became Canada’s first NATO partner in Eastern Europe. The two countries are working together to boost trade and investment opportunities and develop joint defense strategies. Canada is also providing support for Latvia’s efforts to join the European Union.


South Korea and Canada are strengthening ties in a bid to improve bilateral relations and build on their shared interests, including trade and investment. The two countries will hold joint military exercises starting next month, as well as exchanges between their diplomats. They also announced plans to establish a business forum that would help stimulate economic development in both nations.


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